Synopsis of last time...
Since May, when the self-restraint period began due to the influence of the new coronavirus infection, we have been doing weekly live distribution on Instagram → Downloading videos after distribution → Editing → Uploading to Instagram's IGTV via PC every week.
It's not as much as video editing, but due to the nature of live streaming, it's easy to wait for people to gather and chat for a while after you start streaming.
When I leave it on IGTV, I would like to omit such parts and put only important product descriptions and fittings so that it can be browsed easily.
That's how I cut the parts I don't need and save them on IGTV.
That's how I was uploading as a weekly routine work. until mid-October.
From mid-October, uploading suddenly took a long time, and uploading progressed only 1% per hour, errors occurred, etc. It took 6 days to complete uploading 100%. 144 hours in time. It was just the period when I was working in front of the PC, so I checked the progress of the PC and pushed the update click of "Run again" every day.
Continuation of this. I don't want to see this screen anymore...
However, when I changed the upload method last week, it completed quickly!
Earlier, I did this week's upload work, but it was completed quickly, so I would like to tell you.
As a result, I changed my browser from Chrome to Safari.
I'm using a Mac with OS Catalina.
During the period when the upload was slow, I tried various things, such as restarting the PC every time, closing other applications, deleting all the tabs I was browsing in the browser before working. It had no effect.
However, I suddenly came up with
After switching from Chrome to Safari, the upload is complete!
Mac Safari
⬇️ Earlier, I took a screenshot while uploading in Safari.
Start uploading. Hope it continues to go well next week. .
Move forward quickly and feel relieved.
If you've entered the title and text for your IGTV post, you're 88% done. quick!
100% done. It is ready for upload .
I tried saving it as a draft. This is also OK!
In the end, I didn't have time to investigate the cause in detail, but I was able to upload it, and maybe there are people who are still worried like I was until last week. I will report it like that, but if you are having trouble, please check your browser.
*The compatibility between my current PC and Chrome is just bad, and the results may change again with future PC or Chrome updates. At that time, I think I have one more option to change the browser and try to respond.
In any case, I would appreciate it if you could refer to it in the future, including in the future.